Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GODZILLASUIT at the Minneapolis Indie Xpo, November 5th & 6th

Last year's inaugural Minneapolis Indie Xpo was a great time, and I'm super pumped about the second one.  It's November 5th and 6th at the Soap Factory, 514 2nd St. SE in Minneapolis.

Come say hello!  I'll be posted up at table 81 with the comics publisher 2D Cloud.  Despite at one point juggling 3 jobs and a very patient girlfriend, I managed to produce two new books this year.

The first, GODZILLASUIT, is my self-published retrospective on the first couple of Godzilla movies.  Godzilla was one of the first things I creatively latched onto as a kid.  This book made its debut proper at Twin Cites Zinefest, but there's still some left.

GODZILLASUIT has a cover screenprinted by the name takers/ass kickers at Black Collar Studios in Minneapolis.

The second is the culmination of my long-time creative partnership with Joseph Gillette, aka Monster, aka Party Food, aka Chocolate Thundah and 2D Cloud.  More on that beast soon though.

1 comment:

THE BEATY said...

Epic 2 tables away. See you saturday morning

Eric Schuster © 2009